Tanzania Library Service Board (TLSB)
The responsibilities of the Tanzania Library Services Board implement the requirements of Parliament Act No. 6 of 1975.
These responsibilities are:
- To establish, run, lead, improve, maintain and develop public libraries throughout the country from regional, district to divisional levels.
- Providing the Tanzanian public with various information collected from the wide world of knowledge for education, research, social, economic, and cultural development.
- Collecting and storing national publications. To provide training and to conduct examinations for the Librarianship profession for the staff of the Board, school libraries, colleges, and various institutions in the country. Establish, promote, manage, coordinate and develop knowledge and research services (documentation services) in the country.
- To provide advice and guidance to government departments, institutions, and other organizations regarding the establishment, development, and improvement of Library services in their areas.
- To operate a system of cooperation between Public Libraries and other Institutions that maintain documents to enable citizens to obtain information at a low cost.
- Collages & Schools
- Elementary Schools
- Overseas Education Consultants
- Universities & Learning Institutions
- University & institutions
Bibi Titi Road, P. O. Box 9283
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