Tanzania Employment Services Agency (TaESA)

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Government Executive Agency

Welcome to Tanzania Employment Services Agency (TaESA) Website.

Where we are

Currently, TaESA offices are Located in Dar es Salaam and Mwanza. In Dar es Salaam our offices are Located at Bibi Titi Mohamed /Morogoro Road near to the Commission for Mediation and Arbitration Building. In Mwanza our offices are located near the junction of Railways Station/Kenyatta Road opposite Lake Hotel.

Headquarters Dar es salaam

The Chief Executive Officer,
Tanzania Employment Services Agency,
P. O. Box 80348,
Tel: 0735 221022 / 0739 221022
E-Mail: info@taesa.go.tz

Lake Zone

Zonal In Charge,
Tanzania Employment Services Agency,
P.O Box 1192,Mwanza.
Tel:+255 282541 840/1

Northern Zone

Zonal In Charge,
Tanzania Employment Services Agency,
P.O Box 12552,Arusha.
Tel: 0736 551055

East and Coastal Zone

Zonal In Charge,
Tanzania Employment Services Agency,
P. O. Box 80343,
Dar es salaam.
Tel: 0735 221022 / 0739 221022
E-mail: daresalaam@taesa.go.tz

Central Zone

Zonal In charge,
Tanzania Employment Services Agency,
P.O Box 114,Dodoma.
Tel: 0735 551055
Email: dodoma@taesa.go.tz


  • Government Executive Agencies


Bibi Titi Mohamed Road, P. O. Box 80348